Major's Company:
2024 Events Schedule
Members may attend events not on the calendar, but must wear a 64th Regiment uniform and represent themselves to organizers as being a member of the 64th Regiment of Foot to be covered under the Regimental liability insurance company. At events where regimental members attend in a non-64th Regiment capacity, they must be covered under the site's liability insurance (i.e. NC Historic Sites coverage for volunteers), or have liability coverage from another organization.
See also the 64th of Foot Regimental Site for a list of the Regimental Events.
Events for 2024
Company Schedule for 2024
- March 9 "Skirmish at the old Regulation Ground" — Alamance Battleground NC Historic Site- local members only, portraying an advanced picket of Cornwallis Army
- March 16-17 Battle of Guilford Courthouse, Greensboro, NC
- April 12-14 "Road to Revolution" Historic Halifax, NC Historic Site, Halifax NC - civilian impressions only
- April 13 "A Port such as Portsmouth", Portsmouth VA — local members only
- May 4-5 Mount Vernon, VA
- July 27-28 Old Fort Niagara, Youngstown, NY
- September 7-8 Before the Siege, Yorktown , VA — scaled down from previous event, living history, possibly firing demo at nearby museum off site.
- November 9-10 Battle of Camden, Kershaw, SC British Brigade event — full effort event for Major's Co
- December 7-8 Battle of Great Bridge, Chesapeake VA
- December - TBD Colonial Dorchester, near Charleston, SC
- TBD this year? Living History at Scotchtown, near Ashland, VA proposal to portray soldiers of Cornwallis' Army as they move through Virginia towards Williamsburg and thence Yorktown.
Notes (As of the Company Meeting — February 12, 2023):
Laws in New York and Pennsylvania affecting reenacting...
- New York- In reaction to the Supreme Court overturning New York State laws limiting possession and carry of firearms, NY passed a law restricting where any weapons may be carried. The list includes state and municipal parks, and by extension, historic sites. Also, all weapons, including long arms, may only be transported in a locked box. This is extremely impractical for those transporting muskets. The latest we heard is that an exemption to both of these regulations for historic reenactors is bundled into a new bill going before the Governor for signature. We'll keep you posted, historic events planners in NYS are going forward with their events.
- Pennsylvania- the Pennsylvania Museum and Historical Commission, which manages all state historic sites will no longer allow opposed-force reenactments or tacticals on State sites. As the regulations will only apply to state properties, all large scale reenactments will take place on private lands. This has been the practice of most reenacting organizations in the state over the past decade, so impact on us will be minimal.