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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does this cost?
    Reenacting is not a cheap hobby, neither is restoring antique cars, or serious photography. What we mean is simply this, any hobby, if you are seriously involved in it, will be an investment. In the case of reenacting you will probably be looking at $2000-$2500 to start.
  • Why so much money?
    Reenacting in the 18th century generally means custom made uniforms and equipment. While we are currently trying to off set some of the expense, most units face the same problem. The things we use are made especially for the hobby and are hand made in many cases thus the cost is going to be somewhat high. Remember, you are making an investment, you will seldom have to replace the equipment once you purchase it.
  • How much time is involved?
    We certainly encourage you to attend as many activities as possible. We are aware that family, job, and other commitments have priority over your hobby, but think seriously about being willing to attend something on the order of once per month or so. That might only be a drill or local demo event which lasts a couple of hours, or it is a full weekend with a substantial drive involved.
  • I’ve never reenacted, so I’m not sure if this is what I want to do.
    Take this in small steps. First, check out the unit at a local reenactment if possible. Talk to us, and several other groups for that matter. Each unit has a different approach, attitude, and demeanor. Ask questions, and lots of them. You need to feel comfortable before investing hard earned money in this hobby. Now once you feel comfortable enough to try this out we can sometimes outfit you with spare equipment and clothing. You may not actually field for a battle first time out, but you can get a general feel for things.
  • What if I join and don’t like it?
    When you actually decide to join you will have time to feel things out for a little. We will also be “trying you on for size.” We both need to feel comfortable, and if the extremely rare occasion occurs that you truly do not feel comfortable, we can part on decent terms. Selling your gear should be no problem. Just realize that this hasn’t actually happened!
  • OK, I’ve checked out units, and want to reenact with the 64th, now what?
    You can officially join by paying the regimental dues (currently $20.00 annually) through the company. This pays for your insurance (a necessary evil) and gets you officially started. Now comes the fun part, drill, and getting geared up.
  • How much DRILL do I need before I get a chance to reenact?
    We will start you off with plenty of instructions. Every member of the regiment needs to be proficient in the 1764 Drill Manual. This was the standard for the British Army in the Revolutionary War era. The basics will take a few sessions, but we will drill you at every opportunity in order to get you up to speed as quickly as possible. At each event/activity we drill. Any good sergeant will tell you, you can never drill enough! We pride ourselves on battlefield tactics and the only way to know how to do things is constant practice. On top of learning basic battalion tactics you will also learn Howe’s Light Infantry Drill.
  • How do I go about getting my stuff?
    Here is where you begin making an investment of time and money to get equipped. First, there are several suppliers that are currently used to obtain the correct items required by the company and the regiment. DO NOT go off and buy anything without consulting a senior member. We have a list of who to go to in order to obtain all that you need. Consult the Recruit Handbook for a uniform and equipment supplier list. Most of these suppliers custom build/sew these things so do not expect instant delivery. Some items may take several weeks to receive.
  • Where are the events and how far should I expect to travel to support an event?
    Most of our events are in Virginia and the Carolinas. We will sometimes consider beyond that based on the event information we have. For most events, we're looking at not more than 4-6 Hours driving time one way, but it depends, of course, on where you live. Often members will try to carpool to an event to reduce the travel expenses. We will look at events beyond the 4-6 hour drive roughly every other season or so. It all depends on what event it is, and where it is.
before the battle
HM 64th Regiment of Foot
A Reenacting Group

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