• Participant Member Application for 64th HM Regiment of Foot, Major’s Company

    Complete the form below to apply for our membership in the unit.
  • Once you submit your application, our Recruit Coordinator will contact you shortly to get with you and help you on your path to becoming a member of HM 64th Regiment of Foot!

    Thank you!

  • This application will help you to get onboard. Please don't fill out what you "think" we want to hear, but instead, tell us about YOU and what you like, are into and how you think you might fit in with the Company.

    *Please fill out a separate application for each member of your family who will be participating. Application for Minor's must be accompanied by a Parental Permission Form.

    *Before you hit "send," please read our rules that are located HERE.

  • Age:

    We ask for your birthdate becasue if you are under 18, there are some different rules for minors. You MUST have signed permission from your parent or guardian to participate. Those under 16 are allowed to participate in drill training only, but NOT combat or combat training. If you are under 16, you MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

  • Affirmation:*

    I have read, understood, and accept the rules for membership in HM 64th Regt. of Foot.

  • Should be Empty: